Case: IQNITER gives me motivation to work out

Now I can train with the right intensity

Dorthe was diagnosed with Parkinson's and uses IQNITER on a daily basis

Good fitness gives a kick to my mental well-being

“I have trained with heart rate for many years, but with IQNITER I am guided to train with the right intensity – it is worth its weight in gold and has changed my everyday life with Parkinson’s.”

43-year-old Dorthe Nakskov Ilsfort has lived with the diagnosis Parkinson’s for 4 years. A year ago, she started training with IQNITER, and discovered that she could easily train with higher intensity than she had done so far.
“It is crucial for me to do cardio training correctly to keep the body flexible so that the muscles do not become stiff. Good fitness also gives a kick to my mental well-being”, she says.

Dorthe has found the training programs that suit her needs in the app, and uses them to guide her through her daily workouts. 

“As a Parkinson’s patient, I have to face the fact that I have to train all my life, and therefore it is good to get motivation with the app. Furthermore, IQNITER allows my physiotherapist to gain insight in my home training, so when I am a little stuck in the brakes, he can react accordingly and get me back on track.”

Dorthe trains on a completely ordinary exercise bike at home in the living room. The heart rate belt is connected to the mobile, and she switches between stationary training and interval training in the app.

“Variation in training is important to me if I want to keep my motivation up, and preferably it must be fun. I get both with IQNITER”, says Dorthe.