Most frequent questions and answers
The calculation can be found here
In AdmiQ, goto the Settings/Cardio Training tab, where you can enable and disable the iQniter pre- and post-session videos.
- Select Level of Control = ‘Club’.
- Turn on the settings for IQNITER Pre-Session Video and IQNITER Post-Session Video.
- To enable the videos: Uncheck the value for these settings, or
To disable the videos: Check the value for these settings.
When the settings has been changed, remember also to ‘Reset Settings’ in the IQNITER STUDIO (Cardio Training) program.
These settings show disabled videos.
Fill out the Contact Form, and we’ll get to you ASAP
Please check that the member has enabled “Sharing Data with Fitness Facility” within the Privacy Setting section at My iQniter.
This may happen if IQNITER is not updated to latest version 3.3.2, which requires .NET version 4.6.2 or later.
Please update to .NET version 4.6.2 from here and ensure IQNITER is updated:
Cardio Training
This may happen if IQNITER is not updated to latest version 3.3.2, which requires .NET version 4.6.2 or later.
Please update to .NET version 4.6.2 from here and ensure IQNITER is updated:
Cardio Training
During installation and update of IQNITER STUDIO (Cardio Training), it is important to ‘Allow access’ to the IQNITER STUDIO application in the Advanced Firewall settings.
During installation and update, the user is prompted for this setting. Remember to check all available networks in the prompt.
Otherwise, go to Advanced Firewall Settings/’Inbound Rules’, delete all blocked rules named iQniter and restart iQniter Cardio Training.
Please check you have registered your sensor correctly (sensor type and sensor Id) on my.iqniter.com. Then follow the Smart Sensor Troubleshooting guide here.
Please be aware that using a IQNITER HR Sensor requires you define My Club(s). This can be defined on my.iqniter.com or the IQNITER APP. If you train in more than one club, then you MUST add all clubs where you train.
For display of correct connection to the Team Receiver, please see this video.
Sometimes, the Team receiver needs to be restarted (recycled). Power off the Team Receiver, wait 5 seconds, and power on the Team Receiver again. After 10 seconds, check the lights are lightening (solid or flashing) correctly, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsuxRxPeTGE&ab_channel=IQNITER.
Further info can be found in the Team Receiver Installation Guide.